Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Crossing the border

Well my Panama journey is now complete and I have successfully crossing the Costa Rica border. The border did not possess much of a security check point. To get to the border I took a small bus from Boquete, Panama to a seedy border town full of peddlers, casinos, E coli infested food stands and one legged pimps. I quickly orientated myself and proceed to the immigration check point. I got my salida (exit) stamp and continued to a man who apparently was a border cop. You would never guess that was his profession since he was in 3 day old clothes and was stationed around frill ropes which made a makeshift "security check point". The "border cop" rarely looked in bags and when he did he was simply going through the motions to appease his nearby boss sipping coffee. I got though the area and jumped on a random bus that I hopped didn't go to San Jose. After about a half hour I decied to ask a Tico (local person from Costa Rica) where the bus was headed since I was getting a bad feeling. Luckily it was going to the exact place I needed...Golfito. Once I got to Golfito I exchance some money at the duty free shop since all other banks were closed for some still unknown reason. Then I caught the next speed boat to Penilusa de Osa. My plan was to hike the remote Corcovado National Park in search of tucans, parrots, the elusive solth, and friendly monkeys that covered the area. After 45 minutes of the bumpiest boat ride EVER. I arrived at Puerto Jimenez. This quaint town was a perect starting point for my ensuing hikes and activites.

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